God Makes Provision For Our Faults

Gwen Frangs / Corrandulla / 28 June 2022

The Lord gave me the following word of prophecy on 11 November 1991:

Set your sights high. Do not look back. Only look forward. You have stumbled in the past. You will stumble in the future, but I Am there to catch you. Trust in Me. Take Me at My word. Trust in Me. I speak to you in a still, small voice. I guide you and lead you. Do not fear. Accept My leading in your life. Trust Me to take you forward, to lead you into the things I have for you. You shall be a great blessing to those who cross your path. You will inspire them to serve Me. You will encourage them and exhort them. They will draw closer to Me because of you. They will hear my voice because of you. Do not be discouraged My child, for I know that you feel discouraged at this time. You feel that you have let Me down and, yes, you have let Me down, but I knew that this would happen, even before it did, so, I made provision for it to happen. Therefore, do not be afraid. Trust in Me. I shall not leave you or forsake you. I Am with you till the end of time. I Am with you till the end.

Follow Me faithfully, My child. Neither looking to the left or right. Follow Me faithfully. Trust in Me. I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Who is, Who was and Who is to be. I dwell inside of you. I live inside of you. I speak inside of you. Hear My voice and obey Me. Listen when I speak to you. Do not fear man and what they can do to you. Fear Me. Trust in Me. I love you and I have your best interests at heart. I only want what is good for you. I only want you to be happy and contented in Me. I only want the best for you. Trust Me. Trust Me.

I live and because I live, you live and because you live others will live. Others will come to know Me and to trust Me and to look to Me for provision in their lives. I love you precious child. I love you. I, even I, Am He Who will cause you to overcome and to walk victoriously in this troubled world. I, even I, Am He Who will cause you to overcome temptation. I, even I, Am He Who will cause you to triumph over the gates of Hell. They shall by no means prevail against you. Trust in Me, little child, to make you whole, to give you freedom, to meet your needs, to be your Comforter, to be your Counsellor, to be your right hand, to be your Guide and Helper. Trust in Me, little child, to take you through, to bring you over. Rest in Me. Rest in My love for you. As I rested in the boat, rest in Me.

Word of prophecy – 11 November 1991

What struck me, as I read this word of prophecy again this morning, is how He said that He had made provision for how I had let Him down. I do not remember exactly what I had done to make me feel that I had let Him down, but that does not matter. What matters is knowing that He knew ahead of time that I was going to let Him down and that He made provision for this. It is tremendously encouraging to know that He is aware, before we mess up, that we are going to mess up and that He is able to work around it. He works it into the plan that He has for our lives. Even huge sins, like when David sinned with Bathsheba, don’t catch Him by surprise. He is able to take the sin and to work it into the plan, if we are prepared to come back to Him and ask Him for forgiveness with sincerity.

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