The Existence of Evil Angels

By Gwen Frangs / Cambridge, UK / February 2021

When I was about seven years old the Lord showed me a vision while I was sleeping in which I saw a group of beautiful angels standing in a circle holding hands and speaking in a strange language. However, I could sense such evil pervading from them, and I said:  “How can this be, angels are good, not evil? I touched one of the angel’s wings and a fine powder was left on my finger. The vision ended after that. I have never forgotten it because it was so vivid. It was unlike any dream or vision that I have ever experienced. I had no idea that there were fallen angels when I had that vision. Although I knew about angels, I thought that they were all good and that they protected children as guardian angels. I had been taught that every child had their own guardian angel.

The vision impacted my life in several ways. I have never doubted the existence of evil because of that vision. In a world in which evolution has become the dominant explanation for the origin of mankind and in which evolution has become an excuse for all manner of evil, I have never been able to buy into the idea of evolution as the origin of mankind because of having had that vision. That vision solved for me what is known in theology and philosophy as the Problem of Evil. That vision also resulted in a strong faith in the existence of God because logic dictates that where great evil exists, great good must also exist.

The vision made me aware that these fallen seraphim and cherubim are dangerous. They look extraordinarily beautiful on the outside, but that is not their true appearance. These angels visited the earth in the past and encouraged man to worship them, assuming a variety of different names throughout different periods of ancient history and different geographical areas. The Roman God Jupiter, the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus, was a fallen angel who was also known as the god Enlil in ancient Sumer and the god Baal in ancient Phoenicia. A drawing of Enlil and Ninlil taken from a mural decoration of Susa reveals that Enlil was a fallen cherub. The calves legs are one of the characteristics of cherubim listed in the book of Ezekiel:

I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures. In appearance their form was human, but each of them had four faces and four wings. Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands. All four of them had faces and wings, and the wings of one touched the wings of another. Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved.

Ezekiel 1:4-10


Lord Enlil (with hooves and horns of the Bull God) and the Lady Ninlil. Second half of the 2nd millennium BC, Louvre, Paris. Baked bricks, height 54 inches. By Paul Bedson

The apostle Paul warned us about accepting knowledge provided by angels in his letter to the Galatians:

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!

Galatians 1:8

However, in spite of this warning several of the world religions exist because an angel or angels appeared to their founders and gave them a body of knowledge which could be used to start a new religion. In the present day they masquerade as a spirit guide or an angel guide and they assist people with astral travel or they help mediums to fool people into believing that they are contacting loved ones who have died. Astral travel can be dangerous as there have been instances of rape occurring during astral travel.

A modern phenomenon associated with these angels is that of reptilian aliens and alien abductions. Many abductees describe the reptilians as having shrivelled wings. The shrivelled wings are a give away that these ‘reptilians’ are fallen angels. Removed from their natural heavenly environment these angels have begun to atrophy. The word seraph refers to fiery serpents. These angels were once covered in the glory of God, but now that the glory has been removed, they look like reptilian entities.

A South African shaman described how these reptilians have been known throughout African history to have kidnapped young women to drink their blood to heal themselves from a skin condition where their skin degenerates. Blood is spiritual currency. The blood of Jesus was used by God to purchase people back from them. Imagine how valuable the blood of Jesus is to them because it can help them to deal with their degenerative difficulties. I imagine that it is a thousand times more regenerative than the blood of virgins. Clearly, they felt that it was worth giving up a certain number of people in exchange for pure, powerful blood which would help to keep them going physically for longer. For them it was a good ‘deal’ to obtain the blood of the Son of God in exchange for a few underperforming humans. The Bible describes the majority of Christians as being underperformers in the eyes of the world:

26 Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him. 30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31 Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”[d]

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

The fallen angels are delighted to let God purchase back the underperformers, who they believe do not pose much of a threat to their kingdom on this earth. However, the good news is that God can take an underperformer and transform that person.

These angels are not our friends and even if they portray themselves to be friendly and loving, it is an act because their true intention towards us is evil. I read the autobiography of the well-known medium Sylvia Browne some years ago. In the book Sylvia described how her spirit guide, Francine, entered her for the first time against her will when she was under hypnosis while she was studying a course about hypnosis. These angels continue to offer people knowledge and to flatter people with their attention.

I urge anyone who is relating to angels to give this up and to turn to Jesus for protection against these entities because they are deceiving you about their intentions for you. What gives these angels satisfaction is the pain that God experiences seeing people being deceived and hurt by them. They will hurt you sooner or later. Jesus has the power necessary to protect you from them. If you give your life to Jesus, you will no longer belong to them and they will not have the right to touch you.

God protects his children. Fallen angels, no matter how powerful, cannot hurt a child of God if a child of God is obeying God’s instructions regarding His will for their life. God removes us from dangerous areas, warns us of dangers which are coming so that we can avoid them, places a hedge around us and gives us angels as protectors. It is necessary for you to exercise your will and to make a verbal confession asking Jesus to come into your life and giving Him authority over your life.

People belong to these entities because of agreements that were made by our ancestors with these entities in which they gave their lives and the lives of their families and descendants to them in exchange for their favour. These entities live in Hell which is probably named after hê·lêl the fallen angel addressed by God in Isaiah 14:12. Helel means ‘son of God’ or ‘light of God’. If someone tells you to go to Hell they are actually telling you to go to the fallen angel Helel. When someone who belongs to these angels dies, that person goes to join them in Hell. Giving Jesus authority over your life will enable a change of ownership to occur, whereby you stop being owned by them and now belong to Jesus. Jesus said the following to me last year: ‘I don’t send people to hell. I buy them out of hell. ‘

We are behind enemy lines. The enemy has deceived us into thinking that we are not behind enemy lines. By convincing people that God is the architect of the present world, the enemy has made us think that we are in a world that is controlled by God. We fail to recognize that the body of Christ is involved in a fierce battle between good and evil and we sit back and have church picnics instead of participating in the war. The apostle Paul and other members of the early church realized that they were behind enemy lines and that is why they thought that Jesus would be returning in their lifetimes. They didn’t think that the war could go on for so much longer. However, God is allowing it to continue until every person who He knows will become a Christian is born. When He created Adam, He was able to see every one of Adam’s descendants who would become a Christian right down the line of descent. Every one of these people is unique and precious to Him and completely irreplaceable. This is why He allows the suffering on this earth to continue. He is not prepared to give up even one of His children:

29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.

Romans 8:29

This war will continue until every one of these people has been born and has accepted Christ. When they are all in the kingdom then, and only then, will God end the age. However, in the meantime Satan managed to convince the church that he doesn’t really exist and that we can live our lives like no war is happening.  We can just get on with the business of getting an education, getting married, raising a family, possibly doing some charity work or church work and then dying. We are taught that the bad things that happen from time to time in our lives have been allowed by God to teach us something. How different the picture becomes if we understand that we are living in a world that was not designed by a loving God. Although He originally created the world, the Bible makes it clear that Satan has redesigned it. We only see a shadow of what it was before it was marred by Satan. After coming to understand this, I now understand that I am not here to have a nice life that is filled with fun. I now understand that I am here to participate in a war.

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